Four hour long national board exam... check! Let's hope that I've passed because I seriously can't imagine taking that thing again. First of all I had to show three forms of identification and be fingerprinted just to get into the stupid thing! I don't know who they thing would actually sneak in to take a test like that if they didn't have to. Anyways... thank you friends and family for praying for me and thinking about me thing morning. I could feel you cheering me on! And thank you to both Rach and Robin who BOTH told me to kick the test's ass! Which was hysterically funny and made me feel confident and loved! Since this morning, I've been enjoying my newfound mental freedom and I'm so thankful to have a few more weeks before I have to do anything too productive. Maybe I'll actually get to sew a little and try knitting again slowly but surely, that is if my arms don't fall off! Tonight we are going to the store to put together a housewarming present for the newlywed Carters and go to a free movie! Sounds completely delightful. All for now, AB
January 29, 2009
January 28, 2009
what a weekend... uh... week
tomorrow is the dreaded day! I wake at 6 am to get ready and rush out the door to take my NBCOT exam for four... yes four hours. I have yet to pass one of the practice tests and the practice computer program continues to politely tell me that I am deficient in every area of occupational therapy knowledge and practice... thanks... Anyways, tomorrow at noon or hopefully slightly before, I will be done with this crazy thing and that at least is a refreshing thought.
I have so much more to blog about including sweet lauren's wedding, the attack of the killer stomach bug the night before lauren's wedding, knitting, working, and much more. All of these lovely stories will be posted after my life returns to a steady hum tomorrow afternoon. Love to all, AB.
January 15, 2009
live love...
I'm so very tired of studying. With still two weeks to go, I am feeling burned out and ambivalent about passing the NBCOT exam on the 29th! There are so many more fun, creative ways that I'd like to spend my time before beginning work. With LEK's wedding next weekend, I'm wanting to be in Austin helping her with last minute details and having our last "single girls'" (well at least where one of us is still single) sleepovers! But instead I'm riding my bike to the library down the street and sitting at a dimly lit table reading about amputations and spinal cord injuries.... not my idea of fun. Anyways, I have still managed a few fun crafty things lately like making seriously the UGLIEST cookies ever this morning! I'll have to upload a pic. And making a few beaded and decorative items for the shower on Saturday. But I'm wishing for time to sit behind my sewing machine and work on the new Oliver + S pattern I ordered months ago, but haven't had time to start yet! I want to fly to SF and visit John and Susie and let them show us around to all of the amazing coffee shops, record stores and stationary shops that I know they have found in their new city, I want to play with my baby nephew who is 1-year-old today!! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY D! ) I want to utilize this short lived freedom, but instead... I will study, at least for today. Love you guys and girls.... we are going to PARTAY this weekend... whoop! AB (p.s. the above pic i just because...)
January 13, 2009
love love giveaways!
Another giveaway at creaturecomforts, this is a really great one too! Check it out! The above picture which I love is from print*pattern*paper as seen on paper N' stitch. Have fun browsing! AB
January 9, 2009
happy four years...
i carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet)
i want no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
ee cummings
poem inspiration from sweet susie's (my sis-in-law) blog... i deemed it appropriate as a ode to my sweet husband who has taken care of me, listened to me and walked beside me for the last four years... its so good to love and be loved...ab
January 7, 2009
giveaway giveaway!!
Hi friends, just wanted to let you know that creature comforts is having a fantastic giveaway this month for this cute vintage calendar and hanger. Just post a comment and you'll be entered! As you can see, I'm busily distracting myself from the mountainous amount of studying I have to do for my board exam in three weeks (yikes!). But hey, everyone needs a little break now and then right? love you guys... ab.
January 1, 2009
magic ryan...
I love this picture taken by our amazing friend Patrick! And I love that it makes Ryan look completely magical, which of course he is. My lovely husband is currently giving me a photography crash course to help me decide which new camera to purchase (or keep that is). So many things on the horizon, LEK's wedding, board exam and new upcoming job. I promise to post a more detailed update soon, but let's just say the Booth are continuing to embrace change! Love you guys... amb