February 27, 2009

week one...

So... i made it through week one of work! YAY! After feeling slightly overwhelmed, tired and unsure of myself, i've maybe moved over into the "i think i'm going to be okay" zone. Today I'm actually remembering my way around a little, remembering the computer system... a little, and feeling fairly positive about working life in general (this is probably because i don't have to go for the next few days but what can i say?)

I still think that TCH is an absolutely awesome hospital with awesome kids and I'm excited to be starting out in such a fast-paced, world renown environment. I know that I am going to (and already have ) learn so much that I would never be exposed to in other facilities and I'm really thankful for that!! I'm excited to see what will happen along the way.

So, to celebrate week one, Ryan and I are going with friends to Fuzzy's Pizza (a fav of ole' George and Babs Bush around Houston)! I'll eat a slice of delicious cheesy goodness for you! AB

February 20, 2009

I'm official!

Just got my official Texas OT license in the mail today! YAY! I guess that means I officially have to start Monday, although i'm actually getting pretty excited about being a "real" adult now with a "real" job for the first time in my life. I know this feeling will probably wear off way too quickly, but for today I'm thankful to have work during a time where so many people don't. And to all my friends that have been steadily working their bums off since college... hats off to you! You are my heros! love love, amb

P.S. Got a haircut today, still evaluating the outcome... pics to come.

February 19, 2009

Tuesday...Wednesday...on to Thursday...

So... my daily blogging hasn't really worked out has it?? Whoops! Anyways, I did want to report that I've still been trying to have the maximum amount of fun this week even though Houston has been dishing out a huge portion of gross, gray dismal weather for the past few days! We decided to ignore the weather and take Olive on several long walks in the drizzle. I think that she actually really likes it (everything must smell like mud, which she likes to eat if allowed... double gross). We've also been searching hard for a little house or duplex to rent in the heights but up to this point have not been super successful. We decided that this is why people just stay where they are for better or worse, because house hunting is such a totally pain in the butt. So our little cramped apartment is starting to look better and better, but we'll see what happens.

As far as my list goes, I have accomplished a few things... I bought a cute pair of gray/hot pink tennis shoes to go with the two ugly pairs of green scrub pants I had to buy for next week. I think they might be a little "scary" bright, but Ryan said they are fun, so what the hey, its a children's hospital right?? Where else can you wear hot pink shoes! And while we were at the shoe store, I found the cutest tiny pair of New Balance on sale for Dylan! Seriously, they are so cute, I wish I could fit my giant foot into them! I LOVE nieces and nephews! The perfect excuse to buy tiny baby things! I put up a picture next to my new shoes so that you can see how itty they are.

Oh, and Ryan and i went to a movie on Tuesday night, one of our favorite things to do. We saw the International at the Angelica downtown. I LOVE this movie theater, even on a friday night, its possible to be two of only about 20 or so people in the audience which makes the show much more enjoyable in my opinion. On Tues. Ryan and I were the only ones in the theater until about ten minutes into the show when two other couples showed up. I was bummed because we've never actually pulled off being the only ones in the theater for a whole show and i was getting excited about it. The movie was okay, Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 50% I think and that was about right. Entertaining, but not at all unique or surprising... still fun, especially when eating 10,000 lbs of popcorn and gigantic cherry coke with cute hubs.

We also celebrated my Dad's birthday last night (Happy Birthday Dad!). We went out for barbecue with the fam and had a great time. I even made red velvet cupcakes (Dad's fav) from a kit I found at William Sonoma. Apparently Sprinkles cupcakes are a big deal in L.A. (I had no idea), but the little kit was super easy to make and tasted yum, so I would definitely use it again...

I should have blogged this stuff right afterwards, because I know that I'm leaving out so much, but what can I say, I'm a lazy blog girl. Today its actually beautiful and sunny outside, so I'm going to go sit in the sunshine and read, then possibly sew something small and easy to finish later. Three days and counting...

love, amb

February 17, 2009

On to Spring!

A lovely little picture for you today (found on weheartit via ohhellofriend)

February 16, 2009

Monday Funday...

Today we...
1. Took a bike ride to Rice Village to Einstein Bagel shop for a bagel and coffee

2. Drove around the Heights searching for rent houses, finding a few possibilities, viewing a few cute ones...
3. Stopped at Dry Creek Cafe, sister shop of Onion Creek one of our favorite local places to eat (sooo Texas cute)
4. Shared a "West Coast" burger and fries (delicioso!) and hand squeezed lemonade (a whole carafe fun!!)

5. Spotted the first blue bonnet of spring!
6. Visited the Heights Public Library and checked out two books: Lovely Bones and 3 Willows in order to finish # 3 below...
7. Home to settle in for the night with O-dog... more to come tomorrow!

February 15, 2009


Since this is the first day of my last week of true "non-working" freedom, I've decided to try to do at least one purely fun and hopefully unique thing each day this week until I start working next monday. I am starting to think of a few ideas myself, but I'd love for you guys to put in your two cents as well! Then I'll post some pictures of my mini-adventures as we go along! Sound fun?? Yes, i thought you would think so... So send me your best and favorite things to do and I'll get busy checking them off the list! YAY!!... amb

Things I'm already considering...
1. Take O-dog back to Galveston for the afternoon- watch and laugh while she runs away from birds/waves
2. Sew something on the maching including trip to fabric store for goodies and supplies
3. Go to park, sit in sun and read totally mindless book for at least 2 hours (CHECK!)
4. Go see Body Worlds at Natural Science Museum ($25 each for tickets! BOO)
5. Shop for the cutest possible yet still comfy tennis shoes to wear with hideous hunter green scrubs (CHECK!)
6. Get haircut (this is way overdue and maybe not totally eligible for the fun list, but definitely enjoyable) (CHECK!)
7. Massage? (maybe too expensive, but a lovely thought... maybe just talk ryan into a long backrub)
8. ???

Off to the DP (dog park) with O+R... the fun begins now!

February 14, 2009

p.s. happy heart day...

image found on le love via Oh Hello friend

a smile for all my peeps out there on valentines day... love it or hate it, i hope you have a good one.... amb


I just got online and found out that I PASSED the OT boards!!! Yea for passing and Yea for NEVER taking a test ever again!!! Just wanted to let you guys know! Thanks for all of the support! love love, amb

February 12, 2009

My newest brilliant idea!

I've decided that we must, yes must have a french bulldog! I think that olive would adore having a little buddy to run around with and getting another boston makes me want to possibly go insane (so much energy stored up in those little creatures). Anyways, I have already named the aforementioned frog dog Napoleon... Olive and Napoleon... can you get much cuter than that??

So Ryan and I have been looking online at the Frenchie rescue organizations and are throwing around the idea of adopting an older frenchie rather than go through that puppy thing again. They are amazingly cute little, but oh so much work! We'll see what happens over the next few months.

The adorable pictures above are from thebellabellaco's flickr stream which I love! She is the author of the blahblahblahg hosting this month's brightside project! You'll love her photos and site, I promise.

Last thing... I've also decided that I want to try an etsy shop. And I've decided that my lovely husband should supply me with beautiful photography prints to sell (lucky him...). So hopefully soon we'll have some up for your to see.

February 10, 2009


In the midst of searching for a rent house to move into, Ryan and I have also decided to finally finally hang some things up on our bare walls! I know this doesn't make since if we are considering moving, but we've been here over 2 years and I'm just tired of looking at the nakedness even if its just for a few more weeks... Anyways, I'm thinking about trying to put together a collage of photography prints, letterpress signs and gocco for our bedroom wall and so far here are some of the possibilities. Let me know what you think and which ones you like. I'm also trying to decide what I like in a bigger size because I want to print a large image to frame for over the bed...

In no particular order...

February 5, 2009

this is absolutely amazing...

Attention all blog girls! You must, just must go immediately to this site and get started registering for the daily (yes daily) giveaways during the brightside project! To many cute things to count and is will continue everyday for an entire month. Perfect reason to blow time on the internet and possibly get some cute goodies in return!

a day at the museum...

Ryan surprised me today with a trip to the Houston Museum of Fine Art! We grabbed lunch at the museum Cafe Express and then went exploring through the exhibits (Thursdays are free too!). I wanted to share a few of my favorites with you. I'm pretty sure that we were allowed to take pictures (with no flash), but the museum lady still followed me around the whole time giving me these scary, evil looks like I was about to touch something or break something... not sure why. Anyways, we had a good time. I always feel good when we cross something off of our "to do while in Houston" list, especially since its been shameful that we've lived within walking distance from the museum district for 2 and a half years now and hadn't taken advantage of it! So here are a few beautiful pieces.

"The Corn Poppy" by Kees Van Dongen, 1919... inspired by the "flapper days" of Paris.

"Rue Ravignan, Paris" by Maximilien Luce, 1893

"Interior" by Jozsef Rippl-Ronai, 1909

Enjoy! AMB... oh and wish us luck! We are going house hunting (to rent, not buy...) in the Heights this evening... fun fun!

February 4, 2009

1 in 8 million...

A beautiful collection of stories about New Yorkers done by the Times... Ryan and I just spent quite a while watching these, I'm sure you'll love them too. One of our very favorite things over the years has been listening to radio interviews and short journalistic storytelling pieces. Some of our all-time favorites come from This American Life (Chicago Public Radio)

February 3, 2009

a laugh for the day...

the cutest, funniest video of this kid coming home from the dentist... love it... "is this real life??"