August 5, 2009

cartoons and forever plans...

so that has nothing to do with anything other than I can't get that Maria Taylor song out of my head these days... a good summer ditty literally "midomi'ed" (a term I used for when I find out the name of a song using midomi on my iphone ) from anthro earlier this summer. anywhoo... things have been good and busy lately (hence the total blog neglect) Mom came home from Africa two weeks early which was super super exciting, but a little sad too thinking about my Dad being over there by his lonesome. But I've loved having Mom close by and its been amazing how much more relaxed I feel in general just knowing that she is here. Isn't that amazing how Mom's can have that effect on us?? That's why they should not move to far away lands I think... yes yes yes

Work has been slightly less panicky lately. I'm slowly getting more independent feeding itties even the tough itty bitties who cry and vomit are becoming slightly less intimidating to me. I figure I'm bigger than them, so I should really learn to not be afraid of them right?? But seriously, you would be afraid too if you walked into a room and listened to this for an hour...

Okay, maybe not that last one... but you might think so with the wails that come out of these tiny bodies... But overall, I've had a good couple of weeks with no major disasters or panic attacks which is a major improvement in my mind. (Slight overexaggeration... it hasn't really been that bad :))

I've been also really craving some project time lately. I was able to sew Dylan the cutest tiny pair of big boy pj pants a few months ago, but since then haven't really had any time for sewing projects. I have several friends and two sisters in law about to have itties of their own this fall and I'm really wanting to make them something. I have this weird thing about homemade gifts, and also making homemade gifts that don't look homemade/ that you would want even if someone hadn't made it for you. Soooo, any ideas?? My friend Katrina just made a super cute baby blanket that I might try to copy... see it here I'd love any other thoughts from new Moms that have received something that they really liked, thought was cool, or have found to be invaluable. Love you guys... AB