Last weekend was spent in baby land with the girls as we helped Robin prepared for baby Corben's arrival, the first little bundle that we have will to our little group of women. We unpacked gifts, washed sheets and tiny outfits and tried to help put everything in its place before the big day. I loved getting to spend time with these girls that God has graciously put into my life. We have shared laughter and tears and have had our share of disagreements, but more than anything we have shared love, acceptance and encouragement. Now, we wait until the little man makes his debut and we rejoice in the gift and incredible miracle of making new life. Here's to a new chapter!
September 26, 2009
Waiting for Corben...
September 25, 2009
Treats from NYC!
Treats brought back from my sweet when he came home from this week's trip to the big apple! He also brought me a super cute top from H&M (he has way better style than me and attempts to keep me well dressed...). Anyways, I've been eyeing this adorable Oliver & S pattern called the Jump Rope dress for weeks now and ryan got me my very own copy from Purl in SoHo! Can't wait to try it out! Love love, AB

Phone blogging...
So I've been trying for maybe a year to wrap mind around blogging from my phone... How do I do it? Which app? Is there anything important enough to actually blog about from a phone? So, once again I'm giving it a go. If this little thing can't upload pictures that actually look like pictures then I'm finally calling it quits, but here goes one final test run...
Ps... Don't mind olive, she's pouting...

September 24, 2009
For Lauren...
This post is for Lauren... did you have a baby and not tell me? How could this child have not come from your womb?? love you.
P.S. For everyone else... this video nearly brought me to tears... yeah, the laughing kind... enjoy! AB
September 1, 2009
under the tuscan sun...
so if there is one thing that is good about my parents living abroad it is this... WE ARE GOING TO ITALY!!
We are going to see this...
and this...
and this...
all while carrying this and looking super cool and adventure-like...
In t-minus four week, ryan and I will fly from Houston to London to Rome to meet my parents for an Italian adventure through Tuscany, then back to Rome. Ryan has been traveling all over the world these past three years while I've been in graduate school, but most of the time, I have not been able to join. I'm super excited to get to travel together again, with the added bonus of getting to hang out with my Mom and Dad who are quite the adventurers themselves. My parents are actually totally showing us up because they are spending a week in Paris before we arrive to meet them in Rome. (I can feel the jealousy rising up... I miss my beloved Paris!) So until then, I'll be reading up on my Rick Steve's Europe through the Backdoor and Rome travel guides to wet my appetite for the things to come. If any of you have been to Italy and have any suggestions for "must-dos" or "must-see's" I'd love to hear them!
In other news, we had a whirlwind month in August with Mom being home for three weeks, baby showers, and work. We found out that Brian and Mary are having a little girl, to arrive in early December, and Ryan's sister Karla had a new baby boy named Charlie who we get to go meet in northern California this weekend! (he has red hair, and I'm already in love!) Both of these two new appearances plus a few friends with little ones of their own on the way, have given me a great excuse to attempt my first quilting projects. I'm starting slow, just small baby quilts with no piecing required, but I'm still completely intimidated by the whole process. Especially the binding of the edges. I'm now equipped with my very own self-healing OLFA cutting mat, rotary fabric cutter and ruler, but I'm not sure exactly how to use any of them. I've been completely inspired by Katie's go-to quilt featured on her blog KatieDid. Its simple, clean and looks comfy and worn in which I love. We'll see how my version turns out...
So, that's all for now, I've been bag about keeping up with blog land these past weeks, but until Italy I'll try my hardest to keep you posted. I think that soon I'll be combining this blog with my craft/sewing/knitting blog PurlGurl just to simplify life a bit. Love to you all, be back soon. AB