May 2, 2009

cooper in love...

i love this... i wish someone would bend my antennae into a heart... delightful.
In other news... apparently my hospital has become the center of attention this week thanks to piggie flu...
Mom and Dad are still moving to Lybia in June and I've decided that we must plan our first family rendeveux in Italy, possibly Greece for mid fall... Anyone been to either one of these places and have any suggestions for places to stay/things to see??
Does it really look like this??

Lastly, but not leastly...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my big brother B... I LOVE YOU & I'm glad that you were borned!
HAPPY almost BIRTHDAY to my baby brother J... I LOVE YOU & I'm glad that you were borned too!


Adrianne said...

Oooh Athens is a really awesome city with beautiful ancient architecture. Naples is a beautiful city that looks just like that picture with the houses on the hill.. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

AAAHHHH!!!!!! i can't believe they decided to move! as if you needed a good excuse to get away to italy!