July 8, 2009

happy birthday to me... from ryan

Anne from Ryan Booth on Vimeo.

Sooo... it just happens that my husband makes movies... and this year, in honor of my b-day, he made one for me. To read the incredibly sweet post he did for me, please read here... thanks for all the love today peeps. oh, and definitely watch this movie he made of us watching fireworks last weekend... incredible, and very beautiful, I couldn't tear my eyes away. He's pretty amazing...

Fireworks from Ryan Booth on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...


I suck as a brother and didn't remember to call you to wish you a happy birthday until it was dumb o'clock texas time. I love you very much, sister. I'm so lucky have the best big sister and a great friend all wrapped up in one.

Can't wait to see you soon (either here or in Texas). We miss you!


P.S. you've got one talented husband. Make him finish more videos.

anne booth said...

you could never suck as a brother! thanks for the happy b-day wishes! We will continue to celebrate for at least a week, because I feel that one day is not long enough, so actually you are right on time! Love you very much, you are a fantastic little brother, couldn't have asked for anyone more perfect!

Judi said...
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