December 29, 2007

traveling mercies...

i first heard about anne lamott from a good friend in college. Meredith is one of the most thoughtful people I know. Writing here reminds me so much of her because she used to send out group emails that were filled with her thoughts, questions, current good reads etc... She was so willing to share her life with us in the messy intimate ways, I remember feeling so priveliged to be a part of that group, to get to read her thoughts, her questions, her feelings... the person she was when no one was watching. She was so good at letting her words fall onto the page without censoring herself or editing . It made it so easy to connect, to feel along with her. I loved these letters so much that I began printing and filing them to reread on a rainy day... i still have a "meredith" folder in my file cabinet.

Anyways, one of the great things that meredith has shared with me (there are many...) is a love for anne lamott's writing. She is an amazing author who believes that we all matter and that God loves us in all of our pitifulness. I like this in a writer, because so many times I get caught up in what I am not instead trusting in god's biggness to be everything that i can't be. Anyways, her books have been such an encouragement to me over the years and have made me literally laugh out loud! She's a great name to add to your must read list... I hope you are all relaxed after a busy holiday season and finding many reasons to smile and give thanks.

Anne Lamott to read...
1. Traveling Mercies
2. Operating Instructions
3. Plan B
4. Grace Eventually


December 27, 2007

trip holding your hand...

"I want to hear jazz music with my eyes closed, and dig my toes into the sand dancing. I want to climb to the summit and yell and sleep under the stars. I want to laugh my head off and play marbles and sleep in and eat croissants in bed with butter and marmalade and spill coffee and wear lace and trip holding your hand because I am listening so closely." -sabrina ward harrison

This may be my very favorite book. If you haven't read it, you should check it out on sabrina's site. I used to read and reread this book in college wishing that my messiness could sound as put together as sabrina's does. I love the above quote and the freedom she gives me to dream about even the simplest things in life. It makes me feel that the small things I love like knitting or making things for others, maybe aren't that small. I love the theme of bravery, and that it doesn't mean not being afraid, but going for it anyways, whatever the "it" may be. Read this book... i know you'll love it. Its inspiring...

So this is my new blog... i'm definitely behind in getting online and involved in the blogging world, but I'm excited to start out and share thoughts and dreams and books and encouragement with others. My husband ryan and i live in houston, texas where I am in graduate school for occupational therapy and he works recording music in a studio. We've been married three years full of adventures and I genuinely like this man more and more everyday. So hopefully this blog will be a place to share some of our journey with you.