June 29, 2008

off to work...

beginning my life as a working adult... and actually working 7:30 to 5... doesn't seem fair somehow...

wish me luck tomorrow!

love, amb

June 27, 2008

a few thoughts...

there are some really cool things about living in a big city... even if that big city happens to be Houston. there is no avoiding the fact that houston is one of the hottest, sweatiest placed on the earth, but still it has its charms. in the past two years, R and I have discovered that we can walk to the grocery store, multiple coffee shops, three amazing cafes, the library, a huge city park, and three impressive museums (MoMa, Natural Science, MFA) all within ten minutes (seriously... just strolling). I've loved getting to the point where I actually feel like I know my neighborhood personally, and that it knows me somehow...

I have all of these little strange things I love to do around here, one of my favorites is driving down west gray and spotting ballerinas. this may sound strange, but the houston ballet central studio is on this street and whenever i am in the area, i love to look up and down the sidewalks for male and female ballerinas who prance down the street go to and from rehearsal. Even though the are dressed in street clothes, there is always something distinctly dancer-ish about them. (i love this because i have always secretly wished that I had these dancer-ish qualities). I have always loved ballerinas and everything ballet, i only had about a 3 month dancing career at age 4, but i have always dreamed of what it would have been like to be a true dancer... looking so slender and graceful in tights and a leotard, and leaping, spinning and well basically floating around a stage. My favorite book growing up was called "dance tanya dance" and some part of my still feels like this little 3 year old girl watching through the window as her older sister practices ballet... hoping that she'll get her chance one day... i truly love being a girl sometimes... we are allowed to be dorky and wistful at the same time.

anywhoo...silly random thoughts, hope you guys are having a great day... I'm off to prepare for my first day of work on Mon!
much love, amb

June 23, 2008

snocones part II

so if you've been reading, you know about my intense confusion and anger about the snocone (or lack thereof) situation in Houston... I have actually been hardcore online researching possible locations and so far have subjected ryan and my parents to three (yes three) completely failed searches for these delicious summer treats... The most recent trip yesterday began with me sitting upstairs googling every version on snocone + houston, tx (ex: snocone, shaved ice, hawaiian ice, snowcone, etc) Excitedly, I found a place that I've never seen listed before... here is was "hawaiian splash" and only 1.5 miles from the house. So, RB and i set out on an afternoon bike adventure... needless to say we were foiled once again, there was no hawaiian splash, in fact there was really nothing at all at the address listed. Never believe the internet, apparently it lies! So we are still here, still hot and even closer now to quitting our jobs and starting a snocone chain. The search continues...

this is how olive and I feel about this situation...

June 21, 2008

home again.

here are a few videos and pictures from our little trip as promised... you can watch me swing from a giant tree, which was quite fun, but made me realize just how OLD I'm getting! I was seriously perched about 30 feet off of the ground debating whether or not I could make it up this stupid tree or whether i should just let go and fall to the ground, because at the time that actually sounded slightly less scary than standing on a rusty nail in bare feet while hoisting myself onto a skinny tree branch... i don't know what possessed me to ever go up there! Anyways... we had a really fun time and i just wanted to share these with you guys for fun. Hopefully I'll keep this blog more current now that rb and I finally have internet at our house (yea!) much love, amb

p.s. i didn't actually smash into the tree... although ryan is definitely laughing at my weeny girl yelp.
p.p.s also notice random highschool boy yelling "you're gay" at one of his friends at the end... gotta love 15 year old males...

June 19, 2008

mini vAcA...

rpb and I have spent the last few days on a mini vacation in the Texas hill country. Some friends were kind enough to let us use their amazing house on the blanco river while they have been out of town, so we have been hammock swinging, river floating, rope swinging and generally just lazing around. We have also discovered that wimberley, tx has possibly the BEST snow cone stand of all time. This guy even has organic juice snow cones, how cool is that?? We have become fast friends and have been stopping by daily to try new flavors. I have now decided that instead of finishing my no fun upcoming internships I will be opening a snow cone stand in Houston... the city that for some reason doesn't put two and two together and realize that the only way to survive a 100+ degree summer is by consuming 1000's and 1000's of snow cones.... anyways...(that was a bit of a rant...)

So... we have been having a grand time and will sadly return to real life tomorrow to pick up our pup from the grandparents' house and go home to prepare for my last week of summer. I miss you guys, especially you lek and mel (thanks for reading!) and I hope to see you soon. we took a few funny videos of ryan and i rope swinging and tree jumping... yes, tree jumping.. so I'll have to post those from home in the next few days!

June 3, 2008

adventures in babysitting...

spending the day hanging out with ryan, olive and baby D! Here are a few pictures from our many adventures today.