January 28, 2009

what a weekend... uh... week

tomorrow is the dreaded day! I wake at 6 am to get ready and rush out the door to take my NBCOT exam for four... yes four hours. I have yet to pass one of the practice tests and the practice computer program continues to politely tell me that I am deficient in every area of occupational therapy knowledge and practice... thanks... Anyways, tomorrow at noon or hopefully slightly before, I will be done with this crazy thing and that at least is a refreshing thought.

I have so much more to blog about including sweet lauren's wedding, the attack of the killer stomach bug the night before lauren's wedding, knitting, working, and much more. All of these lovely stories will be posted after my life returns to a steady hum tomorrow afternoon. Love to all, AB.


Anonymous said...

john told me about you being sick, i hope you're feeling better! and what horrible timing! how did the exam go? i'm sure you did great.

a knitting care package would be sooo wonderful. it sounds like the perfect hobby but i have absolutely no idea where to even begin. that's really sweet of you to offer!

love you!

Anonymous said...

praying for you this morning!